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Set the innerHTML of elements (or value of <input type="submit"> & etc elements) either for a set period of time, or until the returned cleanup function is called.

Useful for showing loading indicators, placeholder content, or other temporary content.

Side Effects




controllerControllerThe instance of the controller to install the behaviour on. This allows the mixin to automatically register cleanup on the controller's disconnect.
targetHTMLElementThe element to change the content of
contentStringThe content to temporarily set the element to contain
timeout (Optional)IntegerThe time in ms before the original content is restored to the element. If left blank, the content will only be restored when you call the teardown function.
callback (Optional)FunctionA function, which if provided, will be called when the the original content is restored. Useful if you want to hook your own code into the cleanup process
Return ValuesTypePurpose
teardownFunctionCall this function when you want the original content to be restored to your element
updateFunctionCall this function with a different string to change the temporary content in your element, the original content from when the mixin was first called will still be remembered and restored on teardown

How to Use

Automatic Teardown

import {Controller} from '@hotwired/stimulus';
import {useTemporaryContent} from 'stimulus-library';

export default class ClipboardController extends Controller {

static targets = ['source', 'prompt'];

copy() {;

useTemporaryContent(this, this.promptTarget, 'Copied!', 3000);

disconnect() {
// All temporary content will be automatically restored to the originals when the controller is disconnected
// No need to do anything here


Manual Teardown

import {Controller} from '@hotwired/stimulus';
import {useTemporaryContent} from 'stimulus-library';

export default class extends Controller {

async loadContent() {
if (this.previousTeardown) {
let {teardown, update} = useTemporaryContent(this, this.element, `Loading...<i class="fa fa-spinner fa-spin"></i>`);
this.previousTeardown = teardown;

let results = await fetch(``);

if (results.ok) {
let data = await results.text();
this.element.innerHTML = data.html;
} else {
update('Error loading content. Please try again');

disconnect() {
// All temporary content will be automatically restored to the originals when the controller is disconnected
// No need to do anything here
