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Add HTML/HTML Elements/HTML Fragments that enable a controller's behaviour, and automatically clean up the DOM when the controller disconnects.

Side Effects



There are 3 functions provided as part of this Mixin. useInjectedHTML for HTML snippets useInjectedElement for an HTML Element you have already constructed, and useInjectedFragment for an HTML DocumentFragment you have already constructed,


controllerControllerThe instance of the controller to install the behaviour on. This allows the mixin to automatically register cleanup on the controller's disconnect.this
targetElementHTMLElementThe element to insert the given elements near
insertPositionStringWhere to place the given elements. Accepts any one of the parameters accepted by insertAdjacentHTML
htmlStringThe HTML string to inject into the DOM


controllerControllerThe instance of the controller to install the behaviour on. This allows the mixin to automatically register cleanup on the controller's disconnect.this
targetElementHTMLElementThe element to insert the given elements near
insertPositionStringWhere to place the given elements. Accepts any one of the parameters accepted by insertAdjacentHTML
elementHTMLElementThe HTMLElement to inject into the DOM


controllerControllerThe instance of the controller to install the behaviour on. This allows the mixin to automatically register cleanup on the controller's disconnect.this
targetElementHTMLElementThe element to insert the given elements near
insertPositionStringWhere to place the given elements. Accepts any one of the parameters accepted by insertAdjacentHTML
fragmentDocumentFragmentThe DocumentFragment to inject into the DOM

How to Use

import {Controller} from '@hotwired/stimulus';
import {useInjectedHTML, useInjectedElement, useInjectedFragment} from 'stimulus-library';

export default class extends Controller {

get magicElement() {
let element = document.createElement('div');
element.innerHTML = '<div class="magic"></div>';
return element;

connect() {
// Inject an element into the DOM that the controller can use
let [node, cleanupElement] = useInjectedElement(this, this.element, 'prepend', this.magicElement)
console.log('Created node', node, node.innerHTML) // Do something with the created node
cleanupElement() // Cleanup the created node early.

// Inject some HTML into the DOM that the controller can use
let [nodes, cleanupElements] = useInjectedHTML(this, this.element, 'prepend', `<p>Hello World</p>`);
console.log('Created', nodes.length, 'nodes') // Do something with the created nodes
cleanupElements() // Cleanup the created nodes early.

// Inject multiple elements into the DOM that the controller can use, using a DocumentFragment.
let elements = [ document.createElement('div'), document.createElement('p'), document.createElement('span') ];
let fragment = document.createDocumentFragment();
elements.forEach(element => fragment.append(element));
useInjectedFragment(this, this.element, 'prepend', fragment);

disconnect() {
// All injected elements will be automatically removed when the controller is disconnected
// No need to do anything here
