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Mainly for use with TurboStreams or AJAX loaded content that modifies a container interactively. When interactions mutate the DOM and add/remove content, detect when the container you attach the controller to becomes empty/not empty.

You can then style the controller, or show a nice placeholder when the container is empty, rather than showing empty space.




container (Optional)The DOM element whose childList to observe for emptinessthe controller root element


empty (Optional)The class to apply to the attached element when it is empty-
notEmpty (Optional)The class to apply to the attached element when it is not empty-


scopeSelector (Optional)StringA CSS selector to pass to querySelectorAll to limit what elements are included in the count of empty/not-emptyAll child elements of controller element


EventWhenDispatched onevent.detail
empty-dom:emptyWhen the subtree of the attached element becomes emptyThe controller element-
empty-dom:not-emptyWhen the subtree of the attached element is no longer emptyThe controller elementcount - The number of matching elements that are now present

Side Effects


How to Use

The controller emits an event dom:empty when the container becomes empty, and dom:not-empty when it is no longer empty (and for every DOM update that means it is still not empty). Use those events to hook up other Stimulus actions. Alternatively, set a particular class when the watched container becomes empty or filled.

You can also scope what the controller watches for inside the container using a CSS selector in the data-empty-dom-scope-selector-value attribute.

The selector you specify will be used to querySelectorAll the children/subtree of the container you attach the controller too, and fire the dom:empty and dom:not-empty events when the results of the query are empty/not empty.